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Thread #57846   Message #915109
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Mar-03 - 12:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions?
Yes, troll, 45...and there are far more than that who are opposed to the war. Of the USA's 5 major partners in the World (the U.K., Russia, France, Germany, and China) only ONE is in favor of launching this attack.

One out of five. What does that tell you?

This is not a "coalition of the willing" it is a coalition of "the bribed, the coerced, and the dragged kicking and screaming", to quote a Canadian editorial comment on the subject.

The Toronto Sun (our local attempt at reviving Mein Kampf), like you, proudly held up that pathetic "45 other countries who have pledged support in one form or another". (I added the italics to make a certain point.)

The USA has had quite a shock in the last few months, in that a whole bunch of states which they had gotten used to thinking were in their pocket turned out to have minds of their own and said "No!" That is just the beginning.

The Security Council was suckered into passing Resolution 1441 before they fully realized the actual American gameplan, which was this: to invade and take over Iraq regardless of whether they had ANY weapons of mass destruction or not, regardless of what any inspectors said, regardless of whether Saddam left or didn't leave, regardless of whether Iraq was really any threat to anyone after 12 years of economic and military devastation.

You don't see it. You believe the propaganda of an administration that has kept changing its story about what its objectives are every time the wind changes. First it's fighting a war against terrorism. But it can't find Bin Laden. Then it's looking for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq...but it can't find them either. Then it's looking for a Security Council Resolution to make war on Iraq, but it can't get that either. Then it's demanding "regime change", and demanding that Saddam flee the country. These were NOT the things that France, Germany, Russia, and China had in mind when Resolution 1441 was approved...they only had in mind that Iraq should dismantle and destroy any weapons of mass destruction that might exist there...and they had in mind sending inspectors in to determine if those weapons existed in the first place. The inspectors went in. They found no such weapons as yet, and there probably are none, or virtually none of such weapons in Iraq's inventory. Even if there were, Iraq would only be committing suicide by using them, so why would they? One has to wonder...

America also presented forged documents to the U.N. purporting to prove that an African country had sold "fissionable material" to Iraq recently. The documents were proven to be forgeries (very good ones) by forgery detection experts hired by the U.N. Accordingly, you will not have heard a peep on the American news about those documents since, but the Europeans and Chinese have not forgotten about them.

They have been lied to by the USA, they have been tricked, and they will not be tricked again. That's why the last resolution went down like a lead balloon. Even normally subservient American clients like Chile could not stomach any more at that point.

You are defending something that has no legitimate defence left, Alex. And it doesn't matter how evil Saddam is (and he is), that is not the point here. Saddam is a mere convenient excuse for imperial conquest by the World's biggest and most paranoid empire, and Iran is the next target after that...

And the World is not fooled. They were fooled for the last time when they passed Resolution 1441.

- LH