The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57828 Message #915235
Posted By: GUEST
21-Mar-03 - 07:13 AM
Thread Name: Songs by Leon Rosselson
Subject: RE: Leon Rosselson Songs
Guardian - "His songs are fierce, funny, cynical, outraged, blasphemous, challenging and anarchic. And the tunes are good too."
Q Magazine - "...a genuinely challenging songwriter whose work radiates acumen and wit ..."
Folk Roots - "... a sharp observer, a wonderful wordsmith, a composer of originality and depth, but most of all, a superb integrator of words and music".
New York Times - '…some of the most literate and well made topical songs now being written…'
Washington Post - 'His songs are teeming with colourful characters, wonderfully descriptive passages and witty observations'
Taplas - 'One of the most able songwriters or our times'