The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52353   Message #915854
Posted By: GUEST,Norton1
22-Mar-03 - 12:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: My Daughter has been deployed
Subject: RE: BS: My Daughter has been deployed
I posted her last e-mail in the pissing contest thread about UN resolutions. She has survived Iraqi artilery and four rocket attacks. She has kept her troops tuned up and alive. My last best guess is that she will finish up in another day or two at the Northern camp and then return to the Kuwait Main Area.

If you are at all curious she is a Sgt. E-5 in the US Army and serves in the intelligence corps. She has already received an award from her commander for her good work and may be making SSgt. E-6 meritoriously.

If anyone has questions about her I'll do my best - but as my friend LH found out I am a bit touchy about how folks refer to her and those with whom she serves. I really don't care how you feel about the war. I fought for you to have that right and am proud that you enjoy it and use it.

Prayers out for all of those in harm's way -