The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58010   Message #915884
Posted By: greg stephens
22-Mar-03 - 03:01 AM
Thread Name: Who or what are the 'Folk Police'
Subject: RE: Who or what are the 'Folk Police'
It's all very confusing. harvey Andrews obviously loathes the Folk Police, other people say they dont exist.And are they people who say you should learn about trad songs before you sing them, or are they people who say you shouldnt use guitars to accompany English folk songs. Are the the people who just say it isnt traditional to use guitars to accompany English folk songs? And do they include, as some have said, the forces on the"other side". who say music should be made "relevant", by writing new stuff or using modern rtechnology. I tend to be with McGrath: nobody actually ever comes up to me and says "you can't use that guitar/djembe/synthesiser". (Though they may say it behind my back, I suppose. No. I think the concept of "folk police" is largely an invention of people who want to slag off those who disagree with them, but dont wish to argue. Users of the term never seem to identify the members of this police force: I, for example, havent the remotest idea if I am a member of it, or a notable criminal pursued by it.