The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57927   Message #915966
Posted By: *daylia*
22-Mar-03 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Counter demonstrations to support troops
Subject: RE: BS: Counter demonstrations to support troops
Ireland I see no point in calling anyone an "arsehole", and I'm not calling your claims "crappy" because they are different than mine. How could they not be? You're an ex-serviceman, I'm someone who would have to be at death's door before I'd consider violence of any sort. That doesn't mean I think you're an "arsehole"!

My father served in the Canadian forces for 30 years, and I don't think he's an arsehole! He was in Korea before I was born, and one of my earliest memories is saying goodbye to him at the train station in Barrie when he left for Egypt in the mid-sixties. Too young to really comprehend 'death', I was frightened and confused by my mother's tears.

And I remember the gnawing fear that he would have to go to Vietnam a few years later - and the relief that came when Nixon was finally "removed" from power and that misguided military exercise was over. My hope is that the same will happen with Bush, right now.

My heart aches for all the young people in uniform suffering and dying for the US administration's schemes right now.   I know that they must trust their commanders, must believe they are doing the right thing (if and when they apply critical thinking to their situation). But so far, there's been absolutely no indication that Saddam is harbouring the WMDs Bush sold this war on, and every indication that the rag-tag Iraqi army presents little threat to anyone. How long will they keep believing in their mission to "liberate" the Iraqis? Only time will tell. And in the meantime, I'm reminded of the words "Forgive them for they know not what they do."

I do pay for military "protection", whether I choose to or not, every time I pay taxes, which is every day of my life. If my country was under attack I'm sure I wouldn't need to personally call in the army - they'd be there already, at least to help pick up the pieces. I wouldn't have much choice but to accept that, would I?

The only nation I can think of who might have enough of a beef with Canada, or enough "need" to control our natural resources to attack us would be the US anyway. I used to think that was a very unlikely scenario, but given the present situation and what it reveals about your President's respect for the sovereignty of it's neighbours, I'm not so sure.

My son tells me they are banning the playing of the national anthems at the hockey games from now on. Too many people were booing the Americans when their anthem was sung before the game in Montreal last night, and it was feared violence would break out. Not a very hopeful sign for the peace and security of North America. I do hope this conflict is over quickly ...

Hope that answered your questions, Ireland, and all the best to you and yours.

