The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58010   Message #915975
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Mar-03 - 10:20 AM
Thread Name: Who or what are the 'Folk Police'
Subject: RE: Who or what are the 'Folk Police'
Folk Police? (Also called folk nazis) They are the ones whose taste in folk music is immeasureably better than yours, and they have been in it for so long that they remember when people used straight razors and Model T's. They can usually be identified by the stiff gait, due either to arthritis...or the broomstick up the hind end. They are frequently (but not always) in charge of folk festivals, folk societies, and open stages.

As the young Bob Dylan once said (back in the 60's sometime)..."When I hear the term 'folk music', I think of a bunch of fat, old people sitting around playing guitars."

Oooo! He was so politically incorrect! Don't blame me...cos he said it, I didn't. :-) The funny thing is, I am now over 50 and I sit around once a week with my over-50 folkie friends and play guitar. But...I'm still thin.

I would add to the above that some of the nicest people I've ever met are in folk music, and folkies generally are nice, tolerant's just that some of them fall into the trap of self-righteousness. It happens in all groups of people.

- LH