The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57846   Message #916271
Posted By: GUEST,Norton1
22-Mar-03 - 08:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Saddam comply with Resolutions?
Well spoken LH - Apology accepted without reservation - you are most forgiven my friend. As Jan says - "We live in troubled times." And that we can have this dialogue is good. AllI could see is my kid in a ditch trying to keep her troops alive and trying to imagine how she could even remotely be connected with your statement.

I've run my mouth before out of emotion - we all do and I believe it is our job to let each other know when we transgress so we can apologize, reframe, and be forgiven.

Have a superb evening - I have not heard from my kid for a day or two and I see that her unit has been under grenade attack and that several were hurt - yippy fecking skippy - sometimes being a dad sucks
