The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58010   Message #916455
Posted By: Jeri
23-Mar-03 - 08:03 AM
Thread Name: Who or what are the 'Folk Police'
Subject: RE: Who or what are the 'Folk Police'
Blues=Live quoted Ray Charles: "There's only two kinds of music, good and bad." I read Dick Gaughan's opinion (in, I believe) that there were only two kinds of music - that which he liked and that which he didn't. I tend to agree with that. How many times have we read (or heard) reviews by people that slagged off someomes music and you got the distinct feeling they didn't like the type of music and wouldn't even listen let alone recognise a good perfomance? There's plenty of music out there I don't care for, but the artists may be among the best in the world and someone else would like them.

As to 'folk police', there are people who think any criticism indicates someone trying to tell them what to do. It's that old "you aren't my mother/father, and you can't tell me what to do" thing. The fact that someone states an opinion, stridently, repeatedly or both, does NOT mean they're trying to tell you what to sing or even that they believe they have a hope of succeding. Police have power. If someone actually believes 'folk police' exists, they're giving them power.

On the other hand, there's an unwillingness to listen on the part of the 'folk criminals'. (HA - how do you like that? If police enforce the 'law', there has to be someone breaking it!) This may be more evident in a situation where the 'folk police' DO have power such as a session. It's too hard to listen and learn what's appropriate in that particular time and place. It may be more effort than people want to expend or they may be afraid they'll get it wrong. That blanket "everything I do should be acceptable everywhere, and if it isn't, YOU'RE the problem" is a cover-up for un-willingness to learn basic musical social skills.

There are no 'folk police'. There are those who want people to learn, to understand, and get frustrated when their knowledge is dismissed as insignificant or annoying. There may be a small handful of folks who actually believe they can tell people what to do. If they exist, they're the other side of the coin from the "I don't wanna listen" folks. Both have a one-size-fits-all opinion about music that, in their minds, make having to adapt to a given situation unnecessary. Both will meet with a lot of frustration and perhaps develop a lot of animosity because society, musical or otherwise, DOES run according to rules.

Personally, I try to learn what the rules are, then I break 'em. Someone may have a problem when I do, but I'll listen, learn, and above all, respect the person. There isn't one person in the world I can't learn something from.