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Thread #57927   Message #916497
Posted By: *daylia*
23-Mar-03 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Counter demonstrations to support troops
Subject: RE: BS: Counter demonstrations to support troops
Braized Bangaladeshi billy goat? Sounds different indeed! Gotta get me to New York - maybe when all this blows over. Hopefully soon!

So you're a cave troll, not a bridge troll, troll? Thanks for letting me know. It's easier to understand people (and trolls) when you know a little about them. Then they're not just a 'cyber-entity' anymore. That's why I quoted WC Deacon here - in the hopes that knowing a little about my 'national character' would shed a bit of light onto where my views are coming from. I thought that was wise considering the controversial nature of this discussion. Boasting was honestly the last thing on my mind - it's too bad you took it that way.

Canadians in general have absolutely no interest in starting wars. We are blessed with ample natural resources that more than fill our needs, with lots left over to trade with the rest of the world. Historically we've solved our conflicts through patient diplomacy and compromise. We are not born and raised to think that war is just a normal, everyday thing. Which is probably why most of us have 'pacifist' views.

Canada has always been a voice for moderation and peace, and yes, we (and I) do support the UNSC. That's one of the reasons why our Prime Minister decided last week that we will not be part of the coalition against Iraq.

The "facts" I quoted from the Guardian, ie. "The prohibition of the use of force is a foundational rule of international law. Only two exceptions are permitted: the use of force in self-defence, or with the express authorisation of the UN security council exercising its powers under chapter VII of the UN charter." and "Security council resolution 1441 does not authorise the use of force. Any attack on Iraq would consequently be illegal." ARE facts, to the best of my knowledge, or I wouldn't have quoted them.

I don't see that the 'slant' of the newspaper changes them any. That's like saying if I read that "2+2=4" in Marx's Communist Manisfesto, or in the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church, the political 'slant' of the source renders the math invalid. Somehow, that just doesn't compute.

What is the source of your information re the Security Council resolutions in your 2:09 post, troll? I am interested to know, not just trying to argue.

We do have one of the finest health care systems on the globe - not perfect by any means, but leading-edge and free for all citizens. And of course we pay for it with our taxes. We buy doctors and hospitals, not bombs and armies. We figure the doctors are more important to the health and well-being of our population. The Americans I've met are extremely interested in availing themselves of our health care. I've known a few who've moved here for that express purpose. Canada continues to take measures to prevent abuses of our social services.

And just for the record, neither the US or Great Britain have ever been called upon to "protect" us - protect us from whom? Themselves? Canada threatens no-one, and welcomes just about everyone. The US is the only nation who has ever invaded us, and we handled that just fine in the War of 1812. Remember? That's when we burned down your White House and sent you running home with your tails between your legs. (Oops, now I AM boasting. Sorry - couldn't resist).

It's a different era now of course, but some things do remain the same.
If anyone "threatens" us, it is the US. The US has long had an eye on our lumber and our fresh water, and has tried many times to force us to give them up at a loss - just as they are doing right now with Iraq and her oil reserves. We've managed to protect our resources just fine so far.

And if anyone "protects" us, it is ourselves. In her short history as a nation, Canada has made vital contributions to many, if not all, international conflicts, notably WWI and WWII.   Our purpose was to "protect" the interests of Europe and America, at great sacrifice to ourselves. That's also part of "who we are". We stand on guard for you, too. Unfortunately, most Americans know next to nothing about us. I was hoping to fill in the gaps a little.
