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Thread #58061   Message #916851
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
24-Mar-03 - 03:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Collateral Damage'
Subject: RE: BS: 'Collateral Damage'
British troops should NEVER have been there. Neither should the US troops. This Invasion has NOT been sanctioned by the United Nations - the ONLY organisation in the World which has ANY authority to order troops from one country to send soldiers into another sovereign state - no matter how odious the regime.
Once Bush has finished decimating Iraq, whose country will be next? Didn't Hitler invade Poland for its own good?
Sorry, but I am pissed off with the lies used to justify this war. I am with Michael Moore, See Mudcat Thread "Thank you, Thank you, Michael Moore!".
The United Nations was taking positive action to ensure that Saddam Hussein would never be a threat to anyone outside his borders. But Bush wanted an Easy Target to show off how big a thug HE is. He invaded in March becaust it gets too hot out there later in the Summer. The weapons inspectors were making a lot of demonstrable progress, but NO if Bush didn't have his invasion NOW, then it might not be as easy a target. Actually, it seems to be a more stubborn target than he anticipated. Perhaps that will prove to some of his supporters that he is just a bloody incompetent and should be removed from control of anything sharper than a wax crayon.