The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58092   Message #917617
Posted By: open mike
25-Mar-03 - 12:47 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Homeland (I Want My Country Back) (Brown)
Subject: RE: Greg Brown song/cover?
further: gleaned from a post on the greg site;
.......It is a thought-provoking, powerful,
heartfelt song (as opposed to 90% of the top 40
antiwar crap that's being vomited out of studios from
NY to LA. And the UK, if you want to count Madonna
and George
See that's just what I was thinking about last night.
I was at a candlelight vigil, which was actually
supposed to be a silent vigil, but a few people kept
trying to get some singing action going, the usual
stuff, like Let There be Peace on Earth, Wonderful
World and all sorts of other gushy, sentimental songs,
and I kept thinking it's no wonder people keep
thinking war is noble and all that. War mongers have
all the great songs. What we need are some good
virile, hairy-chested peace songs, that people can
sing without feeling whoosey (is that how you spell
it? Not a word I've ever written before...) So
perhaps "I Want My Country Back" is a start......