The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11977 Message #91782
Posted By: Joe Offer
02-Jul-99 - 04:10 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Tune Req: Butcher Boy & others
Subject: RE: lyrics and music
Hi, Bridget - you may find some of those songs if you look a little harder, and also if you try our Forum Search (top of the main page for the Forum). The "body" search of the forum isn't working, but the "subject" search is. I've been changing subject titles on messages with lyrics to make them easier to find. Alice posted Butcher Boy (click here) in the Women's Song Circle thread, and I changed the "subject" of her message to the title of the song. I hope she doesn't mind (I will do the same for Tiger's post above, and hope he doesn't mind). The others you mentioned are readily available, and may have already been posted. the only one I'm not familiar with is "City of Chicago" - can you tell us more about that song so we can help you find it? It's up to you to find "Foggy Dew" yourself in the database. Just put [foggy dew] in square brackets in the search box on this page, and choose from the many versions we have. Several have a "click here to play" link on the bottom of the page so you can play the tune. If you click with your right mouse button, you can download the song and print the music from Noteworthy composer or other MIDI programs. Same with PARTING GLASS (click). Ya gotta look a little harder. RISING OF THE MOON? Same thing. MOLLY MALONE, too. -Joe Offer-