The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2332   Message #9179
Posted By: dick greenhaus
21-Jul-97 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Let Her Sleep Under the Bar / Lady in Red
Subject: ADD: Let Him Sleep Under the Car
Which puts me to mind of the Sports Car Season of 1959--

'Twas a cold winter evening, the night before Sebring
McClellan was closing the shop
When he said to a Loafer spread out on the sofa
"Get out! this is no place to stop."
Well, he wept a big tear, he was missing first gear
And he still had to put back a head;
When a gentleman cleanly leaped from a Volpini
And these were the words that he sad:

His dealer never told him
These words one must take to heart.
About the ways of racing cars
And how they come apart
Now age has emptied his wallet
And racing has left its sad scar
So remember your sports car traditions, boys,
And let him sleep under the car.

Names, allusions etc. are local but accurate.