The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11980   Message #91804
Posted By: Gil
02-Jul-99 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: Aussies ban American Bands
Subject: Aussies ban American Bands
I used to like Australians. Oh sure, I knew Australians weren't perfect. For one thing, many of them are descended from pickpockets and cutpurses and other English convicts who were transported to Australia in the 18th century and as we all know, the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. And true, Australians also have a tendency to be loud and obnoxious when they're beered up which in my experience seems to be much of the time. And yes, like Frenchmen, Australians too often tend to forget who helped them out when they needed it.

For example, Australians don't seem to remember that if it hadn't been for us in World War II, they'd all be speaking Japanese.

Still, despite the many, many drawbacks Australians bring to the table, I had always more or less liked them.

But no longer. Because the Australians have turned out to be a bunch of low-down back-stabbing rats. They made a deal with hundreds of Orange County high school kids, then they cravenly weasled out of it.

And in the process they broke those kids' trusting little American hearts.

What I'm referring to here is the news that 1,300 young American marching band members, including about 500 from Orange County, have been disinvited to participate in the 2000 Olympic Games opening ceremonies in Sydney, Australia, next year. The reason they were disinvited is because some Aussies were complaining that the planned opening ceremonies had too many American marching band members and not enough Australian ones.

"American marching bands at our games?" said one of many letters to the Sydney Morning Herald on the subject. "How could anyone even contemplate such a crass idea?"

The organizers of the opening ceremonies quickly folded in the face of the outcry, and unceremoniously gave all the American kids the boot. Americans out, Australians in.

Never mind that the American kids had been formally invited way back in September. Never mind that they'd spent months raising money for the trip and dreaming of a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Never mind all that. They all got the bum's rush.

Now, as you can imagine, the bounced band members and their parents are pretty upset. And frankly, I assumed everyone else in Orange County would also be outraged at this mean-spirited affront.

But when I called the Australian Consulate in Los Angeles and spoke to Deputy Consul John Price, he said the consulate hasn't heard so much as a peep of protest.

"As far as I know, the consulate hasn't received any calls whatsoever," he said.

Well, let's change that, shall we?

The number for the Australian Consulate is (310) 229-4800; when the recording comes on, hit 9 and you'll get a live person. Or try the Australian Embassy in Washington, D.C., at (202) 797-3000.

You don't have to shout or be angry. And there's probably no need to remind them that Australia was founded as a penal colony; they already know that.

But you could suggest that if this is the way Australians feel about Americans, maybe Americans shouldn't visit Australia — for the Olympic Games or anything else.

After all, we Americans want to be polite.

And we certainly wouldn't want to go where our band members aren't wanted.

Gordon Dillow