The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11980   Message #91818
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
02-Jul-99 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: Aussies ban American Bands
Subject: RE: Aussies ban American Bands
I don't know how many Australians (other than the national team) participated in opening or closing ceremonies in Atlanta. I suppose it's irrelevant. I also don't know what percentage of the Australian population participated in making the decision described above, but I suspect it was tiny, therefore unfair to ascribe to the whole nation. I doubt, Gil, that you had very much affection for Aussies before this event, having catalogued all their supposed faults as you did. I retain my affection for them and doubt both the possible effectiveness of your approach and the virtue of your desire to demonize them. --seed