The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56012   Message #918901
Posted By: robinia
26-Mar-03 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: Gaelic Language Bill
Subject: RE: BS: Gaelic Language Bill
Sorry, I should have said "some supporters" -- and particularly from far outside of Scotland. Maybe this is a sore spot with me, but I found very off-putting the way some Gaelic enthusiasts in Seattle insisted not only on the "first language" status of Gaelic for all of Scotland but seemed to be claiming a sense of moral privilege -- a corner on sensitivity and suffering -- for Gaels in general. When I heard (as part of our Gaelic language class) a florid account of the sins of the modern world that "no Gael would ever do," I was forcibly reminded of my childhood reaction to American patriotism.   As a child, I had resented Americans putting down other nations; I'd resented their thinking they had a corner on democracy, and yes, I found myself resenting this cult of all things Celtic.
I've strayed from the linguistic point, of course, but I think there's a connection, at least among the fanatical fringe. (And I'm also happy to agree with Philippa about the situation in Scotland; there was no discord at the the Keith festival between the Doric and the Gaelic...)