The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11980   Message #91891
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
03-Jul-99 - 12:12 AM
Thread Name: Aussies ban American Bands
Subject: RE: Aussies ban American Bands
Just to lighten things up a bit, how about a chorus of

Hit's the syme the whole world over,
Hit's the poor what gits the blyme,
While the rich 'as hall the plysure,
Oh, hain't it a bloomin' shyme.

There's always been a class struggle, but the poor anesthetized public doesn't realize it. The Fed has again raised interest rates out of fear that the unemployment rate has dropped too low; profitable factories in the US, Japan, Europe, and I'm sure, Australia, are being shut down so the corporations can increase the profits through the use of next-to-slave labor--even a "Made in the USA" label in an item of clothing might mean simply that the item which was manufactured in China or Indonesia was shipped to Guam where a Chinese or Thai laborer living under slave-like conditions sewed the label into the otherwise complete garment. The economic rift between the rich and the poor has increased to the point that one man has more wealth than any of 90 percent of the nations on earth.

Just riffing a bit on some of what has been mentioned or expressed above, about the poor being taxed for luxuries for the rich, about class struggle...
