The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58220   Message #920579
Posted By: Willie-O
28-Mar-03 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: casual sex anyone??
Subject: RE: BS: casual sex anyone??
Ribbed or normal? You're asking the wrong folks!
Arrive wearing it? Now there's a weird fashion concept, and impractical, not to mention...a bit overconfident?

If you wanna go do it with her, be prepared, not presumptuous.

But frankly, Dear Abby tells me you're trying to get yourself talked OUT of it. Otherwised why would you be asking us?

The protocol for sex is about the same as its ever been:

You: "Do you want to? But I gotta tell you (insert anything you think someone else should tell you before having sex for the first time)"

But the business about her being "lovely but bonkers" is putting up red flags. Can't you find someone who is merely pleasant-looking, and sane?