The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58220   Message #920619
Posted By: Sandy Creek
28-Mar-03 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: casual sex anyone??
Subject: RE: BS: casual sex anyone??
My God, You MudCatters Are Hot! But top this:

When I was 16 (late 50's) the family loaded up in the old Woody Wagon and headed for Grannie's house out in the country for the annual family reunion. One of my far removed cousins, Sara, (also 16) HAD GROWN UP in a year. We made whoopee EVERYWHERE. To my delight she was allowed to spend two weeks at our house (with my 15 year old sister). YES! We left Grannie's about nine o'clock that night and piled in the old Woody whereas my cousin ended up in the back/back seat with me and my two sisters (there was 10 in my family). Sara ended up on my lap and somehow her sundress worked ir self up and her______ somehow came off and my__________ ended up in her_________. What a great ride. Needless to say my sisters held this over my head for years but they never told on us. My God, what a wonderful two weeks and what a wonderful memory. Fortunately we did not make any babies. Think I will give Sara a call.......