The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58220   Message #920620
Posted By: katlaughing
28-Mar-03 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: casual sex anyone??
Subject: RE: BS: casual sex anyone??
Just don't take a cue from the shrub and pull out for fear of failure like he did with the UN! His poor wife!

Actually, honesty is THE best way to be about any of it. When I used to go out alone if a guy chatted me up or asked to buy me a drink I made it very clear what he could or could not expect. Usually I would just say, you may buy me that drink or, yes, I'll dance with you, but I will NOT fuck you for it! I never had one of them get upset. To a man they were pleasantly surprised to find someone who was up front about it. I hated all the little games people would play with one another; spending all night buying drinks and dancing, wondering if they would or wouldn't!
