The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12000   Message #92099
Posted By: Rick Fielding
03-Jul-99 - 06:08 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Tex Koenig's Passing (1940-1999)
Subject: OBIT: Tex Koenig's Passing
I just received some sad news about the passing of folk singer Tex Koenig. Although his roots were in New York, Tex had been part of the Toronto folk music scene for so many years he was always thought of as a Canadian. The details are still sketchy but some form of respiratory failure would seem to have been part of the cause. Tex had many friends in many countries, but since he was never a "star" it may take a while to get the news to them.

I knew him for thirty years as an evocative singer, a witty and intelligent man, and a wonderful spinner of tall tales, but even if you aren't familiar with his music you probably saw him with Mathew Broderick and Marlon Brando in "The Freshman". Tex was the "Really Large" bad guy!
"Ride on Buddy".