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Thread #8388   Message #921538
Posted By: Joe Offer
29-Mar-03 - 11:21 PM
Thread Name: Origins/ADD: Lannigan's Ball / Lanigan's Ball
Subject: Lyr Add: FARRAGUT'S BALL - US Civil War song
In the long run, maybe this song is forgettable. For the moment, I found it interesting. I found it at the American Memory collection of the Library of Congress.
-Joe Offer-

B J. E. V., U.S. Steamer Richmond.
A Parody on "Lanigan's Ball."

On the blockade was one Admiral Farragut,
Who was noted for being a very brave man;
Who never was known to be scarified ne'er a bit,
And his vessels in all kinds of ructions he ran.
He gave a large party one day to his squadron,
Officers and men he invited them all;
And if you'll pay attention, I'll just try to mention,
The row and the ructions at Farragut's ball.

'Twas myself had a free invitation,
For me and my shipmates, every one;
And quickly it proved me a nice occupation,
Sponging a hole in a big nine inch gun.
I handled the sponge and the rammer so gracefully,
All the company loudly did bawl,
"Be gripes, you're a jewel, you do it so tastefully,
You're just in time for Farragut's ball."

When we got there, they were dancing a polka,
"Farragut's Polka," says I, "by my soul,"
The funniest polka that ever a mortal danced,
Nothing but whistle, crack, bang, whiz and howl;
Not even as much as a noggin of whisky,
The boys were all merry, the girls were all frisky,
But the devil a girl was there at all;
"To blazes," says I, "with Farragut's ball."

There was torpedoes served round to all of the company,
And a new kind of dish that they called "ricochet"
There was hot shot, and rifle shot, shrapnell and canister,
Till at length we were all of us, inside the bay;
When the rebel ram Tennessee raised her merry murther,
Commenced training her guns and shooting at all,
When our Monitors swore that they'd stand it no longer,
But they'd have satisfaction at Farragut's ball.

Oh! murther me, boys, hut then there was ructions,
The Tennessee right for our Admiral hied,
But he quickly replied to her nate introduction,
And poured a whole broadside slam bang in her side.
The Richmond, Brooklyn, Lackawana, and two or three,
Knocked off her plating, smoke stack, and all,
Shure we spent five days at Pensacola Academy,
Learning some steps for Farragut's ball.

At length she was battered and bruised up so perfectly,
That a stopper we put on to all of her pranks;
And Buchanan, who'd got his leg broken below the knee,
Surrendered his ship and his crew to the Yanks,
The ladies in Mobile, they all raised a doleful cry,
And loudly for vengeance every one of them bawled,
For they lost the price of their dresses and finery,
When their darling was taken at Farragut's ball.

Sold by H. H. SINGLETON, Bookseller, Stationer, and Periodical Dealer,
Post Office Building, Nashville, Tenn.
Sent to any address by mail, on receipt of Five Cents.

Undated, but it comes from a collection of Civil War Song Sheets