The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11980   Message #92168
Posted By: Tim Jaques
03-Jul-99 - 10:01 PM
Thread Name: Aussies ban American Bands
Subject: RE: Aussies ban American Bands
Alison, how could one possibly eat fish and chips without vinegar? That had not even occurred to me. In good establishments one is offered clear, malt, cider, and wine vinegar at a minimum.

Actually, I don't think vinegar with chips/fries is practiced across all across Canada. It is found mainly in Atlantic Canada and Quebec, with pockets in Ontario. I'm not sure about the westerners. I suspect they eat baked potatoes.

Then again, in Quebec they eat the revolting poutine, and the less said about it the better. (Fries, gravy, cheese.) Even the McDonald's chain there sells it. The thing to eat there is their home-made meat pies, tortiere, and if you can get one with venison added to the mix all the better. They also used to make home-made spruce beer out of the gum of spruce trees. That is an, um, acquired taste to say the least.

Happily, the practice of older generations of Canadians of putting salt into their draught beer has died out.

This is making me hungry and thirsty. Time to head out to the pub to see what's up.:)