The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58220   Message #921691
Posted By: *daylia*
30-Mar-03 - 08:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: casual sex anyone??
Subject: RE: BS: casual sex anyone??
Almost two days since Shakey checked in? Mudcat to Shakey, Mudcat to Shakey - c'min, please ..... Hmmm, maybe he found out she wasn't that free'n'easy after all, so he's lurking all red-faced behind his mouse?

Speaking of embarrassment, maybe he really did try to arrive wearing it and got arrested in the process!

Or heaven forbid, she took him for a walk along those "Banks of Red Roses" and introduced him to her "penknife, long and sharp". Pickling jars clinking away in her backpack, no doubt. (that is the meaning of the word "sex" after all - "to cut"). Oooooo ... CALL 911!!!

All this comin and goin, comin and goin ... heartbreaking, isn't it?

Oh well. C'est la vie, c'est la mort, c'est l'amour.

GUEST another Mudcatter, you said "And make sure she comes first". Did you mean to PUT her first in your mind and heart? That's so sweet! Or did you mean, um, like the Tantric yogis teach, that the greatest pleasure in sex comes from stimulating the woman's orgasms?   That's maybe even sweeter! Now, I'd be loathe to argue with the Tantric yogis, but I'm wondering - from a man's point of view, is it true??

Eagerly anticipating your Catty responses ...

daylia :)