The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58276   Message #922068
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Mar-03 - 06:55 PM
Thread Name: Best way to live and die
Subject: RE: Best way to live and die
Lurker - Plenty of people were versed in profound metaphysics back when those books were written. Probably more people, per capita, than are now...given the fact that we are living in a very materialistic society that is mostly obsessed with money and marketing. Ever hear of the mystery schools?

Given the fact that you were born in one of the most spiritually bankrupt societies of all time, I could understand it if you haven't.

I repeat, religious writings were very often not meant to be taken literally...just as is the case with much poetry.

While the general public (those goatherders you referred to) then, as now, tended to interpret religious writings (and everything else) literally, the serious spiritual apprentices and adepts who taught them at the mystery schools and monasteries and such places DID NOT. People like that are so rare nowadays that I can easily imagine you've not encountered them while watching TV or listening to the radio (which are a cultural wasteland, generally speaking).

- LH