The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58311   Message #922624
Posted By: GUEST,Norton1
31-Mar-03 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Peter Arnett
Subject: RE: BS: Peter Arnett
Most of the Viet Nam veterans I know have not been very pleased with Mr. Arnett for much of his biased coverage of the war. And this latest piece is typical of how he can concoct a story that has little to do with reality.

I'd say that the majority of Americans voted with e-mails and phone calls at their displeasure over acts similar to his. I know I did and so did many of those I served with. I'm thrilled he was fired. It ought to tell those of you who are upset by it that the majority, what we here in America go by, are supportive of this action in Iraq.

We are at war, voted on and approved by the Senate and House and validated by UN Resolution. People like Mr. Arnett should be taken to task for treasonous acts in my opinion.
