The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58315   Message #922785
Posted By: Big Mick
31-Mar-03 - 02:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another Comment from the Front Lines
Subject: RE: BS: Another Comment from the Front Lines
Yes, I agree with that sentiment kat, it is why I went four star, through the roof ballistic when there was discussion of sanctioned torture by our soldiers. It is, supposedly, not our way. Of course, those who have been to war know that is not so, but it is not sanctioned, nor a policy. In fact, one could have been prosecuted for it.

BUT.........and it is a significant but............Gareth makes an excellent point, and it is one I have referred to. The anti war folks are no where to be found unless it is US involvement. They are against this war (I am too, btw), but they never staged the first demonstration against Saddam's brutal campaign, torture, executions, and ignoring of UN resolutions. I never heard France make the first comment about that. And I have yet to hear any of those who post here say directly that they despise the tactics the Iraqui's are using. They are not condemning the use of human shield, forcing women and children down the streets and hiding behind them thinking that the Americans won't fire so the Iraqui can kill the Yank, hiding tanks in hospitals, etc. It is why I view most of the posters regarding this subject with a great deal of cynicism. It seems to me that their activism and outrage are a thing of convenience and groupthink, and a product of "let's point out what is wrong with the USA" kind of mentality.

I hate this war, and the reasons we went into it. I hate war, as only one who has been to it can, and my views are well chronicled on this forum. I find the current "follow the leader" attitude among the pro war folks, and the anti war folks, to be equally distressing. It is no wonder we have trouble getting support in the world.
