The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58315   Message #922934
Posted By: Barry Finn
31-Mar-03 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another Comment from the Front Lines
Subject: RE: BS: Another Comment from the Front Lines
The Vikings (heard this on NPR) had a seperate vocabulary for war/battle terms. "Berzerker" is a term for a soldier/warrior who's been in battles far longer than they should've been. Their behavior towards whom ever was their path way beyond that of rational humans. Some what like we're seeing today & somewhat like we saw in Viet Nam. The ear was considered a trophy by us back then. One of my high school friends came home from that war & told me when he was in a helicopter & a few of the soldiers we're questioning prisoners. When they couldn't get the answers they wanted they threw one out & after the 2nd was done talking he followed the 1st. A 2nd story he told me of how 3 soldiers he was with attempted to rape a woman & would've succeded except Peter pull a side arm he told them that if one of them put a hand on her he'd kill all 3 were they stood. He never got over what he saw & did, killed himselve within the 1st yr home. War is
unnatural & brings with it unnatural actions from those that have been around it just a bit to long, no mater if God's on their side or not. The amazing thing is that the Vikings were able to document this type of war behavior & centuries latter all we can do is point fingers at each other & ask ourseves how & why these kind of actions can happen. Sad. War crimes BS, war is the crime. Not only should the soldier be held responsible but so should those who send these kids to die knowing full well if they live what they'll become capable of both on the battlefield & on the street when they come home. This kind of behavior has been since wars began, it's only now that those who weren't there get to see it up close in your face.   Barry