The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58315   Message #922949
Posted By: Bobert
31-Mar-03 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another Comment from the Front Lines
Subject: RE: BS: Another Comment from the Front Lines
We haven't seen anything yet which will compare to the brutality of this war when it is being fought block by block in Baghdad.

I have made this point over and over on various threads over the last few months but this reality is about to come into play. Given the US superiority of fire power and it's techincal advantages, this is the only war that Iraq can fight that offers any chance of success for defense.

Saddam's son announced months ago that they weren't going to put their entire army out in the middle of the dessert to to be wiped out in matter of hours. These are not stupid people.

Many of us have argued that the cost oin civilian lives was agood enough excuse to allow the conflict to play out through diplomacic channels but Bush was too eager to further the Perle/Wolfowitz/Cheney/Rumsfeld Plan and short circuited the dipolomatic efforts.

So, now we are expected to place *all* the blame at the feet of the Iraqis? Hey, they are doing what the US would do if the tables were turned. They are playing to hteir strengths and the US's weaknesses. That is war.

And, yeah, it sucks!
