The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58294   Message #922961
Posted By: Folkiedave
31-Mar-03 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: More Music on Radio Not Less.
Subject: RE: More Music on Radio Not Less.
Not from Yorks is not a problem - honest.

We booked Hekety and Florida because they are popular darn sarf....
even though Hekety are my personal favourites.....

we also booked Nick and Gordon for the same reason.

We are trying to broaden our appeal to get those heathen southerners (present company excepted (!!)) to come to northern festivals. Now next year we might do the same with Lancashire - and then Midlands and then Scotland............I can see a theme developing.....

in the meantime....tell me what sort of folk programme you would like on the radio !!
