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Thread #58315   Message #923311
Posted By: Teribus
01-Apr-03 - 07:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another Comment from the Front Lines
Subject: RE: BS: Another Comment from the Front Lines

"We haven't seen anything yet which will compare to the brutality of this war when it is being fought block by block in Baghdad."

That still very much remains to be seen.

"Given the US superiority of fire power and it's techincal advantages, this is the only war that Iraq can fight that offers any chance of success for defense."

They have absolutely no chance of success for defence Bobert - No chance at all.

"Saddam's son announced months ago that they weren't going to put their entire army out in the middle of the dessert to to be wiped out in matter of hours. These are not stupid people."

Quite right Bobert, they are not stupid people - everybody knows you can't put an entire army in the middle of a bowl of custard.

"So, now we are expected to place *all* the blame at the feet of the Iraqis?"

Don't know so much about the Iraqi's - but I can put up a pretty good case for placing entire responsibility at the door of Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi Ba'athist Regime, considering the options that have been open to them since the cease-fire agreed to at the end of "Desert Storm".

"Hey, they are doing what the US would do if the tables were turned."

I rather imagine that the US would be doing it a bit more effectively. I also note that all those who have castigated the US and UK regarding lack of observance of the Articles of the UN Charter that not one of you are calling Saddam and the Ba'athists to task for the same reason - Bobert actually seems to applaud them for it.

"They are playing to hteir strengths and the US's weaknesses. That is war."

Not much sign of either Iraqi strength or US weakness to date Bobert - early days yet granted, but the US & UK forces engaged seem to be on the shorter learning curve.