The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12018   Message #92348
Posted By: Peter T.
04-Jul-99 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: A Town Like Possum
Subject: A Town Like Possum
New Summer Story:
(Sound of Waltzing Matilda being strained through a Cuisinart).
Scene -- London.
"Send him in Moneypenny, if you can get your tongue out of his ear."
"Mmfh", replied the intercom.
Moments later Bond entered, shaken not stirred.
"Hallo, upper case m., What's up?"
"Bond, if you spent more time paying attention to world affairs, and less at the gaming tables, you would know what was, as you so horribly put it, up."
Bond put himself on his best behaviour briefly.
"Bands, Bond."
"Bands, sir?" He gave his eyebrows that Sean Connery quizzical look. Women fainted in Zanzibar.
"Bands, Bond. We believe that the Americans are about to invade Australia under cover of marching bands."
"Omigod, upper case m.!"
"Obviously, GHQ and HMSO are PO'd about this, being NATO and ASEAN, and the rest. Do you think you could sort all this out without too much quizzicalness?"
"Yes, Sir. Where do I start?"
"You start in Australia. In a town called Possum."
"Anything else I need to know, upper case m.?"
"Yes, Bond, there is one thing. We have it on the highest authority that ......"