The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58304   Message #923602
Posted By: Rick Fielding
01-Apr-03 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Baseball
Subject: RE: BS: Baseball
The Red sox and Cubs!!!??

Jeez guys, I'd be happy to take yer money right now but.....

Who said that the "Curse of Ruth" wouldn't be in perpetuity.? I believe that was the original idea.

The Cubs? Management simply hasn't cared. And I guess the patrons haven't resorted to violence yet (or enough).

Now last night we got a glimpse of things to come......Friggin Clemens (who is even disliked by his own team.....quick! think of others with that label..Reggie, Daryl, anyone else?)

Anyway...Clemens has developed a FORK BALL (nope, what he'd been throwing was a splitter) and it simply Disappears. The guy's gonna get at least a couple of good (18-22 wins) seasons out of it.

Jeter gets hurt! Panic? Not with THAT team.

They steal a mean lookin' Cuban pitcher (Contreras) away from BOSTON, and the guy comes in and looks dangerous and hungry. He WILL be a strter.

Now is there any team in baseball that'll get 15 wins out of that Toronto bashin' Lardball David Wells? Yup. The Yanks. Trust me, he'll win 15 just to spite Steinbrenner.

This Soriano guy! He looks like a friggin' prayin' Mantas!! This guy is JUST coming into his own...did you SEE how he hits those homers...he just golfs bad pitches.

Ohhhhhh poor Toronto. Our ONLY pitcher gets creamed.
