The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58284   Message #923775
Posted By: Lepus Rex
01-Apr-03 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Marine Message from the Front Lines
Subject: RE: BS: Marine Message from the Front Lines
Bobert: Like Kat said, I'm 28, and so I'm still (*barely*) part of the generation that is fighting this war. As such, I think that I am in an excellent position to criticise the actions of my (*barely*) peers. I was raised on the same violent video games and anti-Islamic propaganda as these people, but I've somehow managed to avoid shooting up a van full of women and children. Youthful ignorance is not an excuse for murder.

And yes, Forum Lurker, I think that many of them DO want to kill what you or I might consider to be innocents, because they don't consider them to be innocents. Many of "our troops" joined up after 9/11 to fight a Muslim "enemy." On NPR's ATC yeterday, a tattoo artist talked about all the Christian, "crusader"-type tattoos he's been putting on US soldiers headed to Iraq. Even the veterans I know tell me that at least half of the soldiers they served with were racist, redneck psychopaths. These people don't deserve support.

Mick, that's an excellent point about dehumanising the opposition. But what would you call someone who illegally kills another person? "Thug" and "murderer" seem to fit here.

And would you really threaten to find/assault me, like Norton has, if you had kids in Iraq?

Doug, I remember when I used to defend you from flamers... Good to see you've learned to adapt so very well. :)

Oh, and Norton1. Can't forget you. No, I don't want a "confrontation" with you. If you were to follow up on your implied threats (And they were threats. Even people who like you criticised you for them.) and track me down, attack me, etc., I wouldn't fight you, no matter how hard you battered me with your walker. I have this "don't slug the aged" rule, you see.

I had a feeling you would back down once you realised that I am not, in fact, anonymous, and I was correct. It's good to know that you're just a gutless worm with a big mouth. I actually think more of you now than I did when I thought you were a crazed stalker. :)

---Lepus Rex

PS Kat, again: I'm not "barely" in my 20s 'til June, dammit.