The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58311   Message #923780
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
01-Apr-03 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Peter Arnett
Subject: RE: BS: Peter Arnett
Please Doug, quote anything I have said on this thread that is anti-American.

I say "on this thread", because presumably I must have said something here to set you off, and if I knew what it was I could correct what has to be a misunderstanding.

If it was "Friendly fire"? - that was setting the record straight. The nationalities involved weren't the point.

In fact I would emphatically deny that I am in any way anti-American. In common with a very large number of Americans, I am extremely critical of many aspects of American government and of a number of tendencies in society which are common to both America and other countries. Many of the people whom I most admire and respect are American, that goes without saying.