The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58311   Message #923954
Posted By: wysiwyg
01-Apr-03 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Peter Arnett
Subject: RE: BS: Peter Arnett
So what if Arnett WAS being truthful-- don't people already know what they already know?

Imagine if Hardi decided one Sunday morning at homily time that the best he could do for his flock was tell everyone which of the little old ladies in the church smell funny and have lint balls under their sofas... it would be true, but would it inform? And would it edify anyone? So, whaddaya think, would he expect the vestry to vote him a raise... or a one-way ticket out?

People have a "right" to be truthful but they have a "right" to shut the **** up to prevent being idiots, too.
