The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58315   Message #924166
Posted By: Barry Finn
02-Apr-03 - 12:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another Comment from the Front Lines
Subject: RE: BS: Another Comment from the Front Lines
I'm right there with ya Kat, it's not my support & it's not my gun & it's not in my name.

Hey Mick, how are you these days, gotta bring you back east again where we can get you healthy & back in focus. I for one have never stood by, not during the attempted take over of Viet Nam not while my brother was there snaking his way through Cambodia & Laos with the Citizens In Action (what is it that attractive to us in that part of the world? Is the grass greener, I don't think so?). I marched with my father during that one (he was a receiptent of the purple heart for coming back to life while in the S Pacific). Not while we mined the harbors of Nicaragua, another place where we snaked through (and another area that we seemed to be a bit keen on) & so on. What Saddam has done there is no excuse for, while we watched & aided there's no excuse there either. So now we've got all these wrongs trying to make a right out of them. My opinion is we really crossed the line this time. We've become a rouge nation & if the UN had the balls they would condemn & sanction US. We are now no better than Iraq when it was the invader. The things that we've done in the name of war are no better than what we're watching unfold now. I do know you hate war but "following the leader" is one of the many problems we're facing today. No matter how bad something or someone is you can't make it right by doing wrong, not even if he's the Pres.

Ok, & another thing, no matter how you feel the door here's always open whenever you're ready. You can't be that busy with the life style you lead (Ha,Ha, old man). See ya soon, love Barry