The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58311   Message #924195
Posted By: Troll
02-Apr-03 - 01:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Peter Arnett
Subject: RE: BS: Peter Arnett
Arnett went with the Mirror, eh? Good. He should fit right in there.
Bobert, why do you say this war is censored? I assume you mean censored beyond the usual strictures ragarding troop movements etc.
Could it be because they aren't reporting that things are going badly? Because they aren't reporting what you want to hear?
Maybe you should try to get a Pacifica reporter embedded.
Then you'd get the truth I betcha!
A bit of intel on that van which ran a checkpoint resulting in the deaths of 7 women and children. Seems their families were being held by Saddams goons. They were given a choice. Run the checkpoint and some of you will die. Refuse and all of you will die.
The source of this intel? Iraqi civilians who manage to get through the Coalition lines. Seems the "suicide taxi" was given the same choice; do it or your family dies.
Nice folks, Saddam and his buddies.
