The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58354   Message #924528
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Apr-03 - 11:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: mouthy french teen Pop star busted
Subject: RE: BS: mouthy french teen Pop star busted
Maybe the fellow who committed suicide after falling out of the window was embarrassed over his own clumsiness, and couldn't live with it. How high was the window?

My cousin once dropped a water balloon out of a hotel window in Paris, France, over a very crowded, busy street. It hit the side of a bus, and showered a cyclist and various pedestrians, creating a hell of a row in the street. A short time later several French cops (a dour and nasty lot) came through the hotel, searching for the perpetrator, but she played innocent and was not apprehended. (She must've been sweating bullets, I imagine...)

- LH