The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58284   Message #925294
Posted By: Troll
03-Apr-03 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Marine Message from the Front Lines
Subject: RE: BS: Marine Message from the Front Lines
I never meant to suggest that they are "brainwashed" but if anyone choses to interpret it that way, so be it. I will say that I give a lot more credence in matters of this kind to the opinions of those who actually have some military (not necessarily combat) experience and not just their ideas are more likely to agree with mine.
It is simply that it is not easy to explain military training to someone who has never experienced it.
Do we have any ex DIs or Boot Pushers out there who would like to make a stab?
Greg, I never suggested "brainwashing them into imbecility" but a certain amount of indoctrination and discipline is necessary. You cannot hold committee meetings in a firefight. I think the Russians tried something of the sort under Lenin with the Political Commissars and quickly gave it up. I could be wrong tho. It's been many years since I read any Soviet history.
