The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58284   Message #925503
Posted By: GUEST,asshatiusMaximus
03-Apr-03 - 04:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Marine Message from the Front Lines
Subject: RE: BS: Marine Message from the Front Lines
You people need to get down on your knees and thank whatever god you might worship that people are willing to give their lives so you might spout off the sewage I have read here!

Some say musicians are enlightened after reading through this forum I find this very hard to believe! Have any of you ever visited an oppressed Third World Country? I suspect that you are to comfortable in your nice soft life to visit anywhere but your local Starbucks!

Put down your signs with your senseless slogans because you look stupid holding them and chanting like a bunch of trolls! You have given nothing to this great Nation you only take, take, take because that is your way! You are ungrateful and do not appreciate the right that were bought in other peoples blood and lives, You squander what has been given to you and you only think of yourselves!

I for one am sick and tired of hearing you run your sewers! I am not alone and I am proud to say that we outnumber you!! Open your eyes! You are a bunch of self centered whiny brats that need a spanking! You hate this country, You spit on our way of life! I challenge you to find somewhere else to live! I hear Iran is looking for some "Artists" Go ahead put your money where your mouths are, Or are you too cowardly to do this? Coward now that is a word you should know well!

I know you don't care and you will not take to heart anything said here, You will go back to sipping your Starbucks and smoking your weed, Just think about who gave you your freedoms.