The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58284   Message #925577
Posted By: SINSULL
03-Apr-03 - 05:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Marine Message from the Front Lines
Subject: RE: BS: Marine Message from the Front Lines
Yes, Mick. Thanks. It is the first time I ever felt the need to defend you and felt a little silly doing it. For our guests: Big Mick is huge. And I wanted to respect your wishes - if you did not care enough about them to share your background, I was not about to interfere.

Rock - I have seen numerous signs at peace rallies saying "Bring our children home safe". Lepus is the only person I know of who wishes them harm. I do not know his story but assume chemical dependency or mental illness is at the base of his animosity.

Gentlemen (and ladies?) joining us from the Marine site. I understand your outrage. I even understand Norton!'s frustration at the earlier posts leading to his invitation to you to set us straight. Although I too object to his use of this site for a flame war. Now that you are here, I would welcome any ideas you choose to share. You will find intelligent, well informed posters who do not resort to name calling and personal attacks whemn they meet opposition.

Lastly, I am deeply saddened at the inhuman disregard shown to one of our members who was asking for respect and consideration for his daughter who has put herself in harm's way for us - WHETHER YOU WANTED HER TO OR NOT IS NOT THE ISSUE. This group has always celebrated the birth of a child - Max's, Wesley's, and too many grandchildren to list - and supported the parents through illnesses and death. What is wrong with you?

Actually I am more angry than sad at this. If you wish to argue with me about it, take it to the PMs. If you have something intelligent to say, say it here and be ready to defend it when there is intelligent disagreement. In my opinion, this is the most meanspirited, disgraceful display I have ever witnessed on Mudcat.

Rant over.