The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54919   Message #925987
Posted By: ET
04-Apr-03 - 08:46 AM
Thread Name: From Eliza Carthy & Mike Harding PELs
Subject: RE: From Eliza Carthy & Mike Harding PELs
I have written to Tony Blair and got an acknowledgement! It said he was too busy to deal with mail and my letter had been passed to DCMS. Exactly what I had requested not to happen. I wrote to Blair because he pretends to play the guitar. Once saw him loading same on a plane (moving vehicle so exempt). I don't think he has been any where near this bill or its contents. I work with someone who once worked in the Commons. She used to be a staunch labour fan till she got there. Now I think she admires the "get stuffed" party the most.

Does anyone agree that maybe Sessions have been saved, in the sense that they are genuinely "incidental" to the main purpose of selling beer. Howells rambles seem to suggest so, but as lawyers point out, its not a Howells test that matters, its the courts and when he says local authorities decided it means they will decide whether or not to prosecute.