The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58498 Message #926559
Posted By: GUEST,Dale
05-Apr-03 - 02:40 AM
Thread Name: What if U owned WSM & Grand Ol' Opry?
Subject: RE: What if U owned WSM & Grand Ol' Opry?
First thing I'd do would be to hire Lester "Roadhog" Moran and his Cadillac Cowboys and start me a Saturday Morning Radio Show. Then I'd get about a half dozen more bands like that and fill up the whole morning with "LIVE" music. Mistakes allowed, sounding like Garth, Toby and the rest not allowed. Let 'em advertise baby chicks and home remedys. Read letters from the listeners, play requests, and plug their show that night at the Elks Club.
Saturday nights reserved for the Opry, of course, BUT the big stars who show up one in a blue moon don't automatically get the portion shown on TV. On Friday nights, there'd have to be sort of a WLS National Barn Dance Show, with a bit more variety. I wouldn't even mind having the opera singer, the really bad comedian, and the little kid with the guitar who just might even turn out to be another George Gobel.
Have to have a Renfro Valley sort of show on Sunday Morning, pious talk and gospel music required. Actual preaching optional, but absolutely NO begging for money. Listeners can tune out if they don't like it.
Early evenings Monday thru Friday would be the WJJD Suppertime Frolic sort of show. Get a Randy Blake type to spin the records. (Yes, records only) Hank Williams, Hank Snow, The Chuck Wagon Gang, they'd all have their 15 minute segment. Wouldn't even mind if the commercials, all delivered by the Randy Blake sound alike outnumbered the songs. Advertise the harmonicas, song books, and Royal Crown Cola. Make sure the Randy type let everyone know that if they didn't order the very next day, that they likely wouldn't be able to get those fine products. Finish it off with old transcriptions of Lonnie and Wayne, The Carter Family and The Blue Sky Boys.
All the other time slots would feature real country music. Oh, I'd let 'em play the so called "new" stuff, but restrict the amount, sorta like Canadian Content rules, only make it stricter, maybe 10%, and they'd have to balance it out by playing one from the 30s or 40s for every one.
Now we are talking unlimited funds, aren't we? Buy up the close by frequencies and shut them down, so Clear Channel really means just that again, so at night the music wings its way out over the air waves to most of the country, and a good bit of Canada, so little boys can lie in their beds and listen when they are supposed to be sleeping. At least one Hank Snow would have to be played each night, so the kid could drift off to sleep satisfied.
Buy The Nothing Network and change the name back to The Nashville Network. Hire David Holt to run the place.
Sit back and enjoy it, and watch the money roll out. Who knows, people might even learn to like it.