The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11943   Message #926645
Posted By: Rick Fielding
05-Apr-03 - 10:19 AM
Thread Name: Worst Song by a Respectable Artist
Subject: RE: Worst Song by a Respectable Artist
Hey, this is a great thread!

Hmmmmm...wonder if I've changed my mind about "Manchester Rambler"? I don't think so.....although since MacColl WAS so young at the time, he may well have thought that he'd marry a 'spotwelder', rather than three charismatic and and artistic women. Doesn't matter...I'm just being silly anyway.

Willy-o, the "new mudcatter" who hated my take on "in my life" was hardly new, and not a stranger. I had my ways of finding out, ha ha! Funny thing is, I'm not at all thin skinned, they didn't HAVE to use a fake name to take the piss out of me! I could have at LEAST gotten the words right though!

Don Meixner, spot on about Stan's rhyme.

Wyowoman: Hard to say why and when I think someone's (Cohen) doing a 'put on'. Maybe it has to do with knowing a bit about the person....a long black and white documentary, where he rambled on a lot, certainly helped. Some of his songs just strike me as totally for laughs. "Manhattan" seems to be one of them.

