The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58498   Message #927148
Posted By: wordfella
06-Apr-03 - 07:01 AM
Thread Name: What if U owned WSM & Grand Ol' Opry?
Subject: RE: What if U owned WSM & Grand Ol' Opry?
Funny thing--last week, Cumulus Broadcasting bought WSM from Gaylord, which is owned by CBS/Infinity/Viacom. (Or maybe they bought Gaylord--I'll have to check.) My son works for a Cumulus station group in Lexington, KY. I don't think he knows what the corporate plans are, but we can hope for something restorative.

CBS really boogered the whole operation--but what do you expect from an outfit that cancelled The Beverly Hillbillies, Green Acres, and Hee-Haw so they wouldn't be perceived as the "hick" network?

I'll check on the details and post again later.