The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58498   Message #927297
Posted By: Art Thieme
06-Apr-03 - 12:58 PM
Thread Name: What if U owned WSM & Grand Ol' Opry?
Subject: RE: What if U owned WSM & Grand Ol' Opry?
What was the name of that great show that was cancelled by the old Nashville Network, the live one done as if it was a club of sorts? Was it The American Music Pickin' Parlor...or something like that? Mark O'connor and Jerry Douglas and all were regulars. Mostly acoustic music. Their concept seemed to me like a perfect start for a modern Opry type of show. Drove me nuts when it was cancelled. T was a thousand times better than modern country music.

That'd be a good start for this good idea !

Art Thieme