The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58520   Message #927397
Posted By: GUEST
06-Apr-03 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Around Baghdad (parody Around Nashville)
Subject: RE: Around Baghdad
As a preacher's wife you, of all people. should understand this WYSIWYG.

Praying for our enemies . . . making them our friends . . . preserving life, and learning to return evil with good. These are all cited as basic Christian teachings by the liberal political and theological positions. But these are directed to individuals only and not to the heads of state and those acting as their agents. God has a very different mission for the heads of state as set forth in Romans 13:1-6. Verse 4 describes the "One in authority" as not bearing the sword (i.e. the power of life and death) for nothing. Rather, "He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer." There is no biblical support for pacifism, appeasement and "consciencious objection" when confronted with an obviously just war.

It is Sunday lady, shouldn't you be out shepharding the flock?