The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58633   Message #928803
Posted By: John MacKenzie
08-Apr-03 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: 'Solo Tuned' Harmonica Question
Subject: RE: 'Solo Tuned' Harmonica Question
I use a Hohner Echo Model 240908. This has 3 octaves, and is drilled through between the cells which helps produce a full sound, and a tremolo effect. This is edequate for most solo work, although it takes a lot more blow than some models. Give it a try, I think mine cost about £21:00, which although not cheap, isn't the end of the world.. My problem is chromatic harps, I have one but can't see the point of it, or how it should be played, i.e what is it designed for.
We all have our problems.