The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58498   Message #928804
Posted By: Mark Clark
08-Apr-03 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: What if U owned WSM & Grand Ol' Opry?
Subject: RE: What if U owned WSM & Grand Ol' Opry?
I found a Web site by Ben O’Connor that tells me Ben is on the same page we are. Has anyone been to The Denver Barn Dance and can they give us a report?

Art, I think I stayed at the same run-down flophouse hotel you did. Dingy gray walls, single bare light bulb hanging from the middle of the room and toilet down the hall. Is that the place? I went with two friends and, as I remember, they charged us each $4.00. It was just a short ways up the hill on Broadway from the Ryman if memory serves.

      - Mark